Great River Energy sets 50% renewable energy goal for 2030 | Bismarck State College

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Great River Energy sets 50% renewable energy goal for 2030

Published: Jun 07 2018
Great River Energy sets 50% renewable energy goal for 2030 - Photo

Great River Energy today announced a company goal to supply its member-owner cooperatives with energy that is 50 percent from renewable resources by 2030. The announcement was made to more than 200 attendees at the cooperative’s annual meeting.

“Great River Energy has already met Minnesota’s 25 percent renewable energy standard eight years ahead of requirements. We continue to evolve our power supply portfolio, delivering even more renewable energy to our member-owner cooperatives to help them remain competitive in a changing market,” said Great River Energy President and Chief Executive Officer David Saggau. “We look forward to meeting this goal for the benefit of our members while maintaining strong system reliability.”

Today’s announcement also established interim renewable energy goals for Great River Energy of 30 percent by 2020 and 40 percent by 2025.


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