Hess boosting rig count, production in Bakken for 2019 | Bismarck State College

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Hess boosting rig count, production in Bakken for 2019

Published: Dec 12 2018
Hess boosting rig count, production in Bakken for 2019 - Photo
To deliver strong returns, production growth and significant future free cash flow, Hess Corp. will spend 75 percent of its 2019 capital budget in the Bakken shale play. The Bakken will receive $1.425 billion from Hess in 2019, the most of any of its operations both in the U.S. and internationally.

The increased funding in the Bakken will push the independent exploration and production company’s rig count from four to six rigs. The money will also be used to help shift to higher intensity plug and perf wells. For the upcoming year, Hess has planned to drill 170 new wells while also bringing online an additional 160 wells.

Read more at http://www.northamericanshalemagazine.com/articles/2581/hess-boosting-rig-count-production-in-bakken-for-2019