Leaders make their case at Hub City tour | Bismarck State College

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Leaders make their case at Hub City tour

Published: Sep 07 2017
Image Courtesy Williston Herald

Most people might not think of a wastewater treatment plant as any kind of treasure, but when it comes down to it, a working sewage treatment system is akin to gold. And Williston’s new Water Resource Recovery Facility had a certain luster for at least to one legislator during a tour arranged for the Energy Development and Transmission Committee on Wednesday in Williston.

The city’s wastewater treatment plant is a state-of-the-art facility that has been done right the first time, Sen. Rich Wardner, R-Dickinson, said near the end of the tour, which leads into a hearing today to collect testimony about the facility and other infrastructure needs Williston has had to meet as a hub city.

Read more at http://www.willistonherald.com/news/leaders-make-their-case-at-hub-city-tour/article_e9ad7e0c-9370-11e7-b8f1-f787bcff0145.html.

?Learn how to be qualified for a position in this facility and others like it in just nine months through our Water and Wastewater Technology program.