North Dakota expects to hit oil production record in 2018 | Bismarck State College

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North Dakota expects to hit oil production record in 2018

Published: Jan 17 2018
North Dakota expects to hit oil production record in 2018 - Photo

North Dakota’s oil production rose nicely again in November, and, with petroleum prices rising, monthly output should set records in 2018, the state’s top oil and gas official said Tuesday.

“We’re pretty optimistic,” said Lynn Helms, director of North Dakota’s Department of Mineral Resources. “Everything points to more (oil) rigs, more frack crews and more activity in North Dakota.”

North Dakota, the nation’s second largest oil-producing state, pumped out 1.19 million barrels per day in November, up 1 percent from October and the highest monthly output since July 2015. The state’s all-time production high was 1.23 million barrels per day in December 2014.


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