Texas Co-ops Continue Hurricane Recovery | Bismarck State College

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Texas Co-ops Continue Hurricane Recovery

Published: Aug 29 2017
Photo courtesy NRECA
Electric cooperative line crews from across the state converged on troubled south Texas, toiling in pelting rain and thunderstorms left by Hurricane Harvey as they worked to bring back power to thousands of members who have been in the dark for four days.

While co-ops reported substantial progress in reducing outages from an initial estimate of 55,000, they face days or weeks of challenges in getting to spots washed out by historic flooding.

“Crews will be coming from as far away as North Plains Electric Cooperative at the top of the Texas Panhandle,” said Martin Bevins, vice president of communications and member services for Texas Electric Cooperatives. The statewide association has been coordinating statewide mutual aid, and requests for assistance from the hardest hit co-ops picked up on Aug. 28.

Read more at https://www.electric.coop/texas-co-ops-continue-hurricane-recovery/?.

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