Three coal counties among the top 10 for highest average wages in 2017 | Bismarck State College

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Three coal counties among the top 10 for highest average wages in 2017

Published: Aug 03 2018
Three coal counties among the top 10 for highest average wages in 2017 - Photo

Slipping from first to second place, sparsely populated Oliver County saw average wages increase by 2.5 percent from $71,719 in 2016 to $73,522 in 2017, but it wasn’t enough to capture first place which went to oil-rich Williams County. That county, which contains the city of Williston, saw wages increase 6 percent from $69,997 to $74,287 as the price of oil rose and drilling in the Bakken increased.

Statistics released by the North Dakota Job Service showed that average wages in North Dakota increased 3 percent in the preceding year reaching $50,313 statewide in 2017. Average wages in North Dakota grew in 2017 for the first time in three years. The highest average wages in the state were recorded in 2014 during the heart of Bakken Boom.


The Power Plant Technology program at BSC, offered online or on campus, can prepare you for jobs in power plants in those counties and beyond.