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Be a BSC Legacy Grad! | Bismarck State College

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Be a BSC Legacy Grad!

Do you have parents or grandparents who have graduated from BSC?
Be part of a new tradition!

The Bismarck State College National Alumni Association is beginning a new tradition in 2016 by honoring graduates who shared a legacy with parents or grandparents who also graduated from BJC or BSC.

As a legacy grad, you will receive a special cord to wear at Commencement to commemorate this special connection with your family. While there is no charge for your legacy cord, you must attend Commencement in order to receive it. Simply complete the information below. As Commencement approaches you will receive an email letting you know where to pick up your legacy cord.

Questions – contact Christina Burns at or 701-224-2486.

* Indicates required field
To ensure the timely processing of your form, please enter all of the necessary information.
Family Member(s) (include maiden name/name at graduation)