Effective Fall 2022, BSC will offer the ND in-state
resident tuition rate to the following states/provinces:
CO, ID, IA, KS, MN, MT, ND, NE, SD, UT, WY, MB and SK.
Residency for tuition purposes is determined through information the student provides on the Admission application to enroll at Bismarck State College. Numerous factors are considered when coding a student's residence such as:
- Birthplace
- Home/mailing address
- Parent address
- Place of High School Graduation
Resident Tuition Law and Guidelines
Completing Residency Application
- Login to Campus Connection
- Select BSC eForms
- Select Student Finance > Resident Student Status Form
- Complete the form and attach the required documentation
- Click Submit
- Check your student email and watch Campus Connection for communication regarding your application.
Student Residency Types
North Dakota Resident
Residency for tuition purposes will be determined by using the definitions set forth in NDCC section 15-10-19.1. Review the Resident Tuition Law and Guidelines on the State Board of Higher Education website under North Dakota University System Procedures.
- Dependent child whose parent has been a legal resident of North Dakota for 12 months or greater from the start of the term you are applying
- 18 years of age and have lived in North Dakota for 12 months or greater from the start of the term you are applying
- Graduated from a North Dakota High School
- Benefitted employee of the North Dakota University System or a spouse/dependent thereof
- Married to a person who is a resident for tuition purposes
- Legal resident of the state for at least three consecutive years within six years prior to the beginning of the academic term you are applying
North Dakota Military-Veteran
You may qualify for North Dakota Resident/Military-Veteran, even if you are not a resident of North Dakota, if you are one of the following:
- Veteran as defined in North Dakota Century Code section 37-01-40
- Active Duty member of the Armed Forces
- Member of the National Guard
- Member of the Armed Forces Reserve Component
- Military Veteran
- Spouse or Dependent of a full-time active duty member of the armed forces, member of the National Guard, or member of the Armed Forces Reserve Component
- Spouse or Dependent of a Veteran as defined in section 37-01-40, including a veteran who is eligible to transfer entitlement under the Post 9-11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008
U.S. Resident
Student must be a legal resident of the United States.
International Resident
Students who are not U.S citizens, either native or naturalized, and do not have a Permanent resident card, will be coded as International for tuition purposes.
Locating Your Current Tuition Rate
Students who are not in agreement with their current residency coding for tuition have the right to request a review of their residency by submitting the appropriate application based on their legal resident status along with the required supporting documentation. Residency can only be reviewed for the current term of enrollment, not for a prior or future term.
- Log into your Campus Connection account to verify your tuition rate.
- On the Student Homepage, click on the Financial Account tile.

- On the left-hand side, select Account Summary

- On the top of the page, select Bismarck State College as the Institution, select the current Account Term from drop down menus.

- Under the Tuition and Fees section is where you would see what tuition rate you are being billed. In the example provided below, the student is being billed at the ND Resident Tuition Rate.

*It is the student's responsibility to know what tuition rate they are being billed each term. Please check your Campus Connection Account to verify the tuition rate you are currently being billed.
- Residency is reviewed with each new Bismarck State College Admissions application.
- Applications are required to be submitted within the term the student is enrolled and will not be accepted for a prior or a future term.
- Applications are required to be submitted prior to finals week of the current semester the student is enrolled, or else the change will be reviewed for the next consecutive term.
- If approved; tuition charges are then adjusted according to the new residency status for the approved semester only, with no previous terms adjusted, credited, or refunded.
- If not approved a new residency application would need to be submitted if a student would want to apply for a residency status change again.
- If there is a break in enrollment, a new residency application will need to be re-submitted to prove residency.
Contact BSC Student Finance
- In Person: Schafer Hall, First Floor, Student Finance
- Phone Numbers:
- 701-224-5533 (last name A-H)
- 701-224-5691 (last name I-R)
- 701-224-5706 (last name S-Z)
- BSC.studentfinance@bismarckstate.edu