Board of Trustees | Bismarck State College

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Board of Trustees

The Bismarck State College Foundation is governed by a Board of Trustees, which is comprised of a diverse group of talented business leaders and community supporters who are committed to BSC Foundation's vision and mission.

BSC Foundation Board of Trustees

Photo of BSC Trustee Wade Mann
Russ Hanson
Vice President
Photo of BSC Trustee Rebecca Collins
Photo of BSC Trustee Danette Welsh
Chairperson of the Board
Brent Sanford Brent Sanford
BSC Interim President
Photo of BSC Executive Director Kari Knudson
Executive Director, BSC Foundation
Photo of BSC Trustee
Sarah Getzlaff
Finance Committee Chair
Kevin Stadler
Development Committee Chair
Mark Zimmerman
Programs Committee Chair

Board Members

Marlene Anderson - Bismarck State College Staff Representative
Thomas Atkinson - The Atkinson Company
Brad Balerud - Quality Title
Brad Ballweber - Northern Improvement
Greg Bavendick - Westex Petroleum Corporation
Alexis Baxley - Independent Community Banks of North Dakota
Scott Becker - Community Leader
Dr. Mike Bitz - Mandan Public Schools
Reese Boehm - Rainbow Energy Center
Wade Boeshans - Summit Carbon Solutions
Glenn Bosch - Community Leader
Eric Brenden - Northwest Contracting
Jim Christianson - NW Realty Group
Cindy Clairmont - Community Leader
Dave Clark - Bismarck State College Retiree Group Representative
Rebecca Collins - Bismarck State College
Andy Cramer - Knife River Corporation
Terry Daffinrud - Community Leader
Kevin Dykema - Bravera Bank
Debra Gallagher - Community Leader
Sarah Getzlaff - Security First Bank of ND
Dr. Kevin Gilchrist - Community Leader
Mike Haider - Capital City Construction, Inc.
Russ Hanson - Associated General Contractors of ND
Florence Hauer - United Printing
Melissa Hauer - North Dakota Hospital Association
Jennifer Heck - RDO Equipment
Mike Heger - BNI Energy
Mat Hirst - EPIC Performance Solutions/Wellspring Hydro
Marby Hogen - Novo Nordisk
Mike Holman - Bismarck State College Faculty Representative
Megan Houn - Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota
Gina Hruby - The Title Team
Jessie Johnson - Bremer Bank
Kari Knudson - Bismarck State College
Cam Knutson - Knutson Companies
Rob Koppinger - Kirkwood Bank & Trust
Loren Kopseng - United Energy Corporation
Joel Kostelecky - First Western Bank
Terry Kraft - American Family Insurance – Terry Kraft Agency
Scott LaCoe - Doosan/Bobcat Company
Kevin Magstadt - Adolfson & Peterson Construction
Wade Mann - Crowley Fleck, PLLP
David Mason - First International Bank & Trust
Amy Mazigian - Gate City Bank
Kristine Melby - Cornerstone Bank
Blaize Morris - Bismarck State College SGA Representative
Jeff Nelson - National Information Solutions Cooperative
Tammy Nygard - MDU Utilities
Dale Pahlke - Dakota Community Bank & Trust
Judy Pfeifle - Community Leader
Dan Polk - Silicon Plains, LLC
Brandon Reems - Choice Bank
Rachel Retterath - Great River Energy
Katie Robinson - BSC National Alumni Association Representative
Paul Sandness - Community Leader
Brent Sanford - Bismarck State College
Jean Schafer - Basin Electric Power Cooperative
Dr. Todd Schaffer - Sanford Health
Tricia Schlosser - Century 21 Morrison Realty
Dr. Larry Skogen - Community Leader
Darren Snow - Marathon Petroleum Logistics
Kevin Stadler - BNC National Bank
David Straley - North American Coal Corporation
Rebecca Ternes - U.S. Bank
Mary Theel - Cedric Theel, Inc.
Stacy Tschider - Rainbow Energy Marketing Corp
Chad Wachter - Investcore, Inc.
Susan Walker-Weiand - Walkers n’ Daughters Jewelers
Bryan Walther - The Coteau Properties Company/North American Coal
Patrick Ward - Community Leader
Zac Weis - Marathon Oil
Lee Weisbeck - Starion Bank
Danette Welsh - ONEOK, Inc.
Ross Wilmes - Kraus-Anderson Construction Company 
Mark Zimmerman - Community Leader

Trustee Emeritus

Senator Byron Dorgan - Arent Fox, LLP
Ray Grabar - Community Leader
Joyce Tello - Community Leader
Bill Townsend - Dakota Awards
Irene Tschider - Community Leader
Curt Walth - Community Leader
Tony P. Welder - Community Leader

BSC Foundation Board of Trustee Committees

The Executive Committee shall: (1) review, make modifications to and recommend approval of the proposed Foundation annual fiscal year budget and any proposed amendments to it; (2) serve as the Audit Committee for the Foundation; (3) review and approve the annual audit and Management letter; and (4) assist the committees of the Foundation in accomplishing their responsibilities.

The Finance Committee shall: (1) have and exercise the power to make decisions regarding the appropriate investment and reinvestment of the Foundation's assets and funds; (2) maintain an investment policy and properly maintain oversight on investment management for the Foundation; (3) provide advice and direction in management and/or sale of properties which may be gifted to the Foundation; (4) approve all planned gift arrangements including the authority to enter into agreements and arrangements; (5) make recommendations regarding policies for the disbursement of funds; (6) review, make modifications to and recommend approval of the proposed Foundation annual fiscal year budget and any proposed amendments to it; and (7) select, approve and authorize a qualified Certified Public Accounting firm to complete the annual audit of the Foundation.

The Programs Committee shall: (1) have and exercise the power to make decisions to develop and implement guidelines, policies and procedures for awarding of all scholarships and grants given by the Foundation; (2) have the authority to award scholarships and grants based on the approved fiscal year budget; (3) review, make modifications to and recommend approval of the proposed Foundation annual fiscal year budget for scholarships and grants and any proposed amendments to it; and (4) approve the annual expenditure and award of the Jack Fellowship following the guidelines set forth by the donors. 

The Development Committee shall: (1) be responsible for the recruitment and orientation of new members and the nomination of officers for the Foundation; and (2) be responsible for development of fund-raising goals, as well as defining short-term and long-term funding needs of the Foundation.