Building on their entrepreneurial spirit | Bismarck State College

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Building on their entrepreneurial spirit

Published: Jul 05 2017
Building on their entrepreneurial spirit - Photo
Kevin Cavanagh's popular entrepreneurship courses at Bismarck State College typically have 20-30 students in them both Spring and Fall semesters. He finds that he's often teaching to already-established entrepreneurs.

"It surprises me how many students coming in already have a business. Right now I can think of students who are DJs, have a t-shirt company, and a fireworks stand. We have a lot of hair stylists and crafters selling goods online, too," he says.

He sees a greater fearlessness in today's students. "Maybe it is the culture they've grown up in. [They're] exposed to so much more. Anything is possible and failure is not a big fear for them."

"As we get older, we get fearful. We aren't willing to risk it all. For them, the risk level isn't there. It's a prime time to do it, to take that risk."

It's a risk that's paying off for several current students and recent BSC graduates.

Continue reading this story written for the Spring 2017 issue of BSC Magazine.