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NDUS institutions do well in national cyber challenge | Bismarck State College

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NDUS institutions do well in national cyber challenge

Published: May 30 2019
NDUS institutions do well in national cyber challenge - Photo
Build your own “futuristic Maglev” car to race and take home! In 1999, a Japanese five-car maglev train set a record of 345 mph. Yours won’t go that fast, but we will have fun building it and learning how it operates. Learn about the relationship between magnetism and electricity. You will also get to build a simple Maglev (magnetism - electricity - levitation) track as well as a cool electromagnet. Learn how motors work, as well as generators. Build and take home the world’s simplest motor. Make your own compass and take part in many other magnificent magnetic activities.

This class is geared toward students ages 8-12, and each registration includes an electronic lab kit. All classes are held in the BSC National Energy Center of Excellece, Rm. 119 (1200 Schafer St., Bismarck).

Parents - please note that you will be required to enter the student's name during registration.

Class registration closes on June 14, 2019 at 12 p.m. (CST)