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Faculty & Staff Award for Excellence | Bismarck State College

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Faculty & Staff Award for Excellence

Nomination Procedures:
  1. The nomination form is available on the BSC Website only. Nominations are submitted to the Bismarck State College Foundation office.
  2. Any staff or faculty member (full-time or part-time permanent) with 2 years of service or adjunct faculty member with 2 years of service may be nominated.
  3. Any staff member, faculty member, student, supervisor, administrator, self, or member of the Bismarck community may nominate.
  4. Anonymous nominations will not be considered.
  5. Members of the selection committee may not make nominations.
  6. Nominees will be informed by letter or e-mail, receive a copy of the procedures, and will be requested to complete a data sheet.
  7. Nominee may decline or accept by so stating on the data sheet and returning it to the Foundation office.
  8. If nominee agrees to be considered for the award, he or she will complete the data sheet and return it to the Foundation office. Failure to return the data sheet on or before the due date will be interpreted as disinterest in the award. Nominee must also be employed by BSC on the days the awards are given, if they are not the award is forfeited.
The Selection Committee will be composed of the following:
The BSC Foundation Programs committee, a representative from the Board of Governors, a faculty representative and a staff representative.
Subcommittee Procedure: (To be coordinated through the Foundation office.)
  1. Advertise the award; list award amounts and numbers of awards being given.
  2. Collect nominations
  3. Send out data sheets to nominees
  4. Collect data sheets from nominees
  5. Submit all materials to the selection committee
Selection Committee Procedure
  1. Review all written nominations
  2. Interview nominees, at the discretion of the Selection Committee.
  3. Report the final selection to the Bismarck State College Foundation office
To the Nominator: Although all of us at BSC play an important role in the day-to-day operations of this institution, perhaps you have noticed an employee who has made a special or significant contribution to BSC in the past year. Here is your chance to recognize an employee who you feel has demonstrated excellence in the performance of his or her job duties. You may nominate a staff person and/or one faculty member (one form per nomination) by completing this form; there is no limit to the number of nominations you may submit.

Instructions: Please read the procedures sheet first. Write a concise narrative addressing the following statements. Identify the person you wish to nominate. Check the electronic signature at the end of nomination form.

The following items may be used as a guide in writing your narrative:
  1. What specific activities has this individual been involved in which deserve special recognition?
  2. Tell us how this individual has performed his/her job above and beyond the call of duty.
  3. What kind of activities has this individual been involved in to improve his/her professional growth?
  4. Describe the extra effort this individual demonstrates in the BSC community.
  5. If there is anything else you would like to mention, please feel free to do so.
* Indicates Required Field.
To ensure the timely processing of your form, please enter all of the necessary information.