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BSC Concert to feature original student compositions | Bismarck State College

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BSC Concert to feature original student compositions

Published: Apr 13 2015
The BSC Spring Choral Concert will be held Friday, April 17 at 7:30 p.m. in the Sidney J. Lee Auditorium on the BSC campus, and will include premier performances of original compositions by student composers Sarah Bauman and Andrew Wickenheiser, and faculty composer Michael Langer.

In addition to those new pieces, BSC's choral groups will perform music ranging from a vocal jazz piece about making chili to French music about wives discussing their husbands to a Renaissance piece.  

Student Paul Nagel will have solo performance as part of a spiritual depicting a missionary's experience in a children's hospital in war torn Bosnia-Herzegovina in the late 1980s.

For more information about BSC's music department, click here  .

For more information about Dickinson State University music degrees on the BSC campus, call 701-224-5631.