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BSC adds new employees | Bismarck State College

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BSC adds new employees

Published: May 07 2015

Bismarck State College has hired a number of new faculty and professional staff throughout the 2014-2015 academic year.

The Mathematics program added two assistant professors - Danica Allard and Heather Gysberg, who was teaching part time.

The Agriculture, Technology and Natural Resources program has three new instructors - assistant professors Kenan Layden, Charlotte Heim, and Lindsey Novak.

BSC's National Energy Center of Excellence (NECE) has three new assistant professors. Adam Johnson teaches Electrical Transmissions Systems Technology classes. Erin Thomas has Power Plant Technology classes, and Larry Hanson teaches in the Renewable Generation Technology program.

Other new faculty are Patrick Becker, assistant professor of management; and Nathan Steffen, assistant professor of political science.

New professional hires are Ashley Mattson, admissions counselor, and Dave Huizenga, TrainND manager for business and training sales in Continuing Education, Training and Innovation (CETI).  

Jerame Novak is the new student advisor at the NECE. Scott Lingen has taken over as director of financial aid. Duane Johnson has assumed the position of Campus Safety and security manager.

Rebecca Patrick was promoted from BSC financial aid associate to testing service coordinator. She previously was a credentialing associate for Coventry Health Care in Bismarck.

Alison Zarr was promoted from CETI training coordinator to CETI program manager.  

Mary Morrell, administrative assistant to the NECE vice president, was promoted to NECE grants coordinator, a new federal grant position. Hired in 2005, she also worked three years as administrative assistant to the vice president for academic affairs.

Melinda Weninger is a new employee hired as the accountant for BSC's College Advancement Department. She previously worked as an auditor and budgeting specialist for the North Dakota Department of Human Services.

About Bismarck State College
Bismarck State College, an innovative community college in Bismarck, N.D., offers high quality education, workforce training, and enrichment programs reaching local and global communities.