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BSC announces recipients of the Carley Family Scholarship | Bismarck State College

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BSC announces recipients of the Carley Family Scholarship

Published: Jul 25 2016
BSC announces recipients of the Carley Family Scholarship - Photo
Eleven students were awarded the Carley Family Scholarship to attend Bismarck State College (BSC) for the 2016-17 school year. Carley Family Scholarships are $2,000 each, with $1,000 awarded in the fall semester and $1,000 awarded in the spring semester.

To be eligible for the Carley Family Scholarship a student must be a graduate of a Bismarck or Mandan high school, have earned an ACT score of 27 or higher, have maintained a high school grade point average of 3.50 cumulative or higher, have taken one dual credit course from BSC and have been accepted to BSC by April 15.

View other student achievements by visiting our BSC student Merit pages.