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Chesak Family Scholarships awarded to 2016-17 freshman | Bismarck State College

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Chesak Family Scholarships awarded to 2016-17 freshman

Published: Jul 25 2016
Chesak Family Scholarships awarded to 2016-17 freshman - Photo
Nine North Dakota students were awarded the Chesak Family Scholarship to attend Bismarck State College (BSC) for the 2016-17 school year. The scholarships are $1,000 each, with $500 awarded in the fall semester and $500 awarded in the spring semester.

To be eligible for the Chesak Family Scholarship students must be accepted for admission into one of the five following programs at BSC: Geographic Information Systems (A.A.S. degree), Heating, Ventilation, & Air Conditioning, Mechanical Maintenance Technology, Medical Laboratory Technician or Web Page Development (A.A.S. degree). Students must also be enrolled full time (12 or more credits), have maintained a high school or college grade point average of 2.50 cumulative or higher and be a new student to BSC.

View other student achievements by visiting our BSC student Merit pages.