Communications students receive national awards
Published: Nov 30 2015
Bismarck State College Mass Communications students received several awards at the College Media Association/Associated Collegiate Press national fall convention in Austin, Texas.
In the Best of 2015 Pinnacle Awards for organizations, BSC’s Mystic Media placed first as Two-Year TV Station of the Year, beating out entries from across the United States. Mystic Media took second place as Two-Year Radio Station of the Year.
The Mystician and one of the broadcasts from MystiCast also won a David L. Adams Apple Award. Each placed third in a field of three honorees. MystiCast won Best TV Newscast and The Mystician won Best Newspaper, two-year school.
Pinnacle Awards honor the best college media organizations and individual work. The contest is open to student work produced for any college media organization, including print, broadcast and online outlets during an academic year.
College Media Association serves student media pros, staffs and programs with education, research and resources. The Associated Collegiate Press is the nation’s largest and oldest national membership association for college student media.
About Bismarck State College
Bismarck State College, an innovative community college in Bismarck, N.D., offers high quality education, workforce training, and enrichment programs reaching local and global communities.