HANNAFORD, N. D. – When ice blocked the intake of the Hannaford water tower, the pumps cycled erratically, pressure spiked in the distribution system, and malfunctions threatened to leave the community without water. Assistance from the North Dakota Rural Water Systems Association helped avoid disaster and restore water service.
“We had some insulation in the tank that slid down,” explained Hannaford City Auditor Ed Everson. “When we had several days of cold temperatures and high wind, the tank started to freeze.”
Unfortunately, Hannaford wasn’t aware of the ice in their tank when the demand pumps started cycling erratically and pressure spiked in the distribution system. The rapid cycling threatened to burn up the pumps and high pressures risked main breaks, all with Hannaford’s usual tank service contractor unavailable for two days.
Read more at https://nrwa.org/2018/04/rural-water-assists-north-dakota-utility-after-tank-freezes/
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