In an oil refinery or a chemical plant there are several layers of management and operational personnel. At the top is the refinery manager or chemical plant manager. Typically, their staff includes managers overseeing operations, maintenance, human resources, finance, technical issues and health, safety and environmental programmes.
The process technicians and shift supervisors run the facility 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year. While the management and salaried staff work five days a week from 8 am to 5 pm (and usually much longer) the process technicians are there at 3 am every day, determined to run the facility as safety and efficiently as possible.
Who are these people to whom this large responsibility is delegated around the clock? How are they hired? What is their skill level? How are they trained?
You can become a qualified operator and technician in two years or less by taking courses online or on campus from Bismarck State College. Contact us to learn how.