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BSC defines class formats for fall | Bismarck State College

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BSC defines class formats for fall

Published: Aug 03 2020
BSC defines class formats for fall - Photo

Bismarck State College will be open for business this fall welcoming students back to the classrooms. Classes will be offered in a variety of formats to give students options, keep them safe and minimize health risks. Technological investments made over the summer will allow for adaptable hybrid classes to minimize the number of students gathered together and as well as allow students to continue their education in the event of a health-related disruption.

BSC classes will be offered in four different formats this fall:

· On Campus Face-to-face: The traditional classroom setting where the instructor and students are physically located in the same place and may incorporate the use of multiple supportive technologies as appropriate.

· Online Asynchronous: Online instruction occurring independent of time or location.

· Online Synchronous: Online instruction occurring independent of location, but at the same time (real time).

· Hybrid/Blended: A form of instruction that includes students from different locations and/or environments (face-to-face, online, IVN, etc.) for synchronous and/or asynchronous instruction. Students should be available on the days and times listed for the course, though the class may meet in the classroom in-person or online-live, while also allowing for release time to work online in lieu of a scheduled meeting.

These formats address the diverse programs and courses offered at BSC and allow faculty to design learning experiences that can shift based on the health needs of the community. Instructors will provide students a detailed description of their class plan during the first week of class.

The mode of instruction available for any particular class is partly dependent on the type of course a student enrolls in. For the most part, hands-on technical programs will continue in a face-to-face format with limited class sizes, social distancing, and mask requirements. General education classes will be offered in a hybrid format that, depending on the social distancing requirements in place, will allow face-to-face classroom instruction as well as a synchronous online classroom environment (online in real time). This hybrid structure allows instruction to continue should the health needs of faculty or students disrupt the classroom.

What students will see in their classes:

· Seating/desk arrangements adjusted to ensure social distancing is maintained for each student. Extra spacing will spread out student chairs in most rooms.

· Additional teaching technology that will enhance instructional flexibility in classrooms and allow students who may need to be isolated to participate in the real-time education experience.

· In rooms with two doors, designation of one as an entrance and the other as an exit to improve the flow of individuals and to reduce clustering.

· Schedules that maximize student experiences and minimize risk

· Enhanced cleaning protocols related to touch points within the room.

· Enhanced safety measures – masks (where needed), sanitation, distancing, etc.

For specific program information and scenarios, please visit the COMMON STUDENT QUESTIONS/ACADEMICS section at