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International student thrives at BSC | Bismarck State College

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International student thrives at BSC

Published: Nov 08 2016
International student thrives at BSC - Photo
After an exchange year at Bismarck High School, Robin Jaeger-Hauer had two full years of high school in Germany to finish. He visited Bismarck several times over those years becoming more certain that BSC was where he wanted to go to college.

“People are super nice – Americans are nicer than Germans, and it’s such an interesting country. I love how important politics are here. People are very patriotic, you don’t find that in Germany.”

He says that becoming a BSC student was simple once he was back in Bismarck, but the paperwork required in the six months prior was stressful. “It almost wasn’t enough time.”

Continue reading this story written for the Fall 2016 issue of BSC Magazine.