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BSC professor engineers balance through music | Bismarck State College

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BSC professor engineers balance through music

Published: Nov 03 2016
BSC professor engineers balance through music - Photo
Weekdays, she’s BSC assistant professor of Engineering Jen Kessler. On the weekends, she’s the guitar-wielding frontwoman of blues-rock trio, Jennifer Lyn.

If you look to stereotypes, the connection between engineering and rocking out in front of a crowd is a stretch. Engineers aren’t necessarily known for their outgoing nature.

Kessler tells this joke: “What’s the difference between an introverted engineer and an extroverted engineer? The extroverted engineer is staring at YOUR shoes.”

While her performing shoes are worth a second look, she’s definitely not looking at them when she’s on stage. She’s relating to the crowd, belting out originals along with classic R&B, blues and rock covers that have made her band a mainstay in the area music scene.

That relatability is one of the commonalities in her two worlds.

Continue reading this story written for the Fall 2016 issue of BSC Magazine.