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BSC surgical tech program achieves 100% pass rate for 10th consecutive year | Bismarck State College

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BSC surgical tech program achieves 100% pass rate for 10th consecutive year

Published: Nov 30 2018
BSC surgical tech program achieves 100% pass rate for 10th consecutive year - Photo
Students in the Surgical Technology program at Bismarck State College achieved a 100 percent pass rate in the most recent national Certified Surgical Technologist (CST) exam cycle.
This is the 10th straight year the program has earned a 100 percent pass rate.
The CST designation is the foremost credential for surgical technologists in the nation and required for employment at many local, state and national health care organizations. Graduates obtaining national certification possess mastery of a broad range of skills related to surgical procedures, aseptic technique and safe patient care in the operating room.
The BSC Surgical Technology program is a job readiness program for students interested in working in an operating room. Surgical technologists are in high demand and work alongside some of the most highly trained medical professionals and possess an expertise in the theory and application of sterile technique. Students in the program receive both theoretical instruction and a clinical internship. Study and degree completion is offered on a two-year or three-year cycle.
Students who complete the curriculum requirements receive an Associate in Applied Science degree and are eligible to take national CST exam at the end of sophomore year.
For more information about the program, visit