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Energy Progress & Innovation Conference to be held virtually in 2021 | Bismarck State College

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Energy Progress & Innovation Conference to be held virtually in 2021

Published: Nov 04 2020
Energy Progress & Innovation Conference to be held virtually in 2021 - Photo
Bismarck State College Continuing Education and TrainND are excited to announce the 2021 Energy Progress & Innovation Conference (EPIC) will be a virtual conference held January 26-27, 2021 to allow attendees to learn, share and network from the safety and convenience of their homes or workplaces. One of the premier energy industry conferences in North America, the EPIC (formerly the Energy Generation Conference) offers professional development to individuals in all areas of the competitive energy industry through education, technology and networking.
“The 2021 conference, being held in a virtual format, is a way to continue the momentum that our event has generated for over 40 years,” says 2021 conference chair Adam Dunlop of Midwest Ag. “Although we can’t meet face-to-face and experience knowledge sharing with 2000 industry professionals as we usually do, we hope that this event becomes an opportunity to show what is happening in our industries while increasing our reach even farther than we can in our traditional format.”
The conference keynote speaker this year is Ross Bernstein. Bernstein is an author and working member of the media who has spent the past 25 years in locker rooms, press boxes, sidelines and dugouts studying the DNA of hall of fame athletes and championship teams. As a speaker, his superpower is taking that wisdom and sharing it with his audiences in a unique way that allows them to think and perform differently, like champions. 
The conference also features a panel discussion focused on integrated energy opportunities for North Dakota. The expert panel will discuss current and future opportunities for integration of lignite-fired power with the oil and gas industry as well as the benefits of lignite baseload power on agriculture and wind. The full agenda for the conference will be available in mid-November at
The 2021 EPIC sponsors include Minnkota Power Cooperative, Babcock & Wilcox Company, Barr Engineering, Gagnon, Inc., Kiewit, Lignite Energy Council, Interstate BearingSystems – ND, Saulsbury Industries, Inc., Swanson Flo, Stanley Consultants, Inc., Tnemec Company, Inc., Ulteig Engineers – Fargo, Environmental Plant Services and Motion Industries.
Online conference registration is now open at Registration fees have been reduced to $35 for the virtual format – a savings reflective of less traditional conference expenses.