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Date rape, student safety expert Katie Koestner to share personal story at BSC | Bismarck State College

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Date rape, student safety expert Katie Koestner to share personal story at BSC

Published: Oct 24 2016
Date rape, student safety expert Katie Koestner to share personal story at BSC  - Photo
Katie Koestner, considered to be the country’s most highly regarded student safety expert on sexual assault, visits Bismarck State College on Wednesday, Oct. 26, to share “Katie’s Journey: The Story that Broke the Silence on Date Rape.”
“Katie’s Journey” is free of charge to area college students, faculty, high school and college administrators and educators, the law enforcement community and the general public. The event begins at 9 a.m. in the Bavendick Stateroom of BSC’s National Energy Center of Excellence.
Koestner appeared on the cover of TIME Magazine at age 18 after becoming the first woman in history to speak out as the victim of campus date rape. She has appeared on Oprah, Good Morning America, CNN, NBC Nightly News, and she is the subject of HBO and Lifetime movies. She has shared her story at more than 4,000 high schools and colleges leaving audiences awed by her words, her strength and her conviction.
One of the most sought-after lecturers on sexual assault, Koestner is a national expert on student safety and teen relationship culture. She has assisted the United States Department of Education in developing and providing programs to women in high-risk communities and her testimony on Capitol Hill was instrumental in the passage of federal student safety legislation.

If you or someone you know has experienced a sexual assault please click here for more information on sexual misconduct, prevention and reporting.