Schreck published in national education journal
Published: Jul 17 2019
Dr. Jane M. Schreck, professor of English at Bismarck State College, has recently authored an article in Educational Studies, the official journal of the American Educational Studies Association. "Wendell Berry on Education: A Cultural Inheritance of Care" was published in the May-June 2019 issue.
Berry is an American novelist, poet, ecological activist, cultural critic and farmer. His local focus and his emphasis on community and the ecosphere create a vision for education that could lead to a healthier, more peaceable world. Schreck’s writing reviews what scholars have observed about Berry’s ideas on education, and then contextualizes his thinking through a comparison with John Dewey and Paulo Freire. Dewey was an American philosopher, psychologies and educational whose ideas have been influential in education and social reform. Freier was a Brazilian educator, philosopher and leading advocate of critical pedagogy.
The BSC Visiting Writers Series hosted Berry on campus in 2004 for a public reading and other events.
Schreck holds a doctorate in teaching and learning in higher education from the University of North Dakota. Her published article continues and expands the research she did for her dissertation. Schreck also holds a master's degree in English and bachelor’s degrees in English, mathematics and education, all from UND.