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Visiting Scientists Series presents wind generation program | Bismarck State College

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Visiting Scientists Series presents wind generation program

Published: Sep 17 2015

News release reprinted from Gateway to Science, a BSC partner

Bismarck, ND - The Visiting Scientists Series welcomes Amanda Wangler of Basin Electric Power Cooperative on Thursday, September 24, at 7 p.m. The presentation, "Wind Generation in North Dakota," will be held at Bismarck State College in the National Energy Center of Excellence, located at 1200 Schafer Street in Bismarck.

You are invited to learn about the exciting wind projects happening in North Dakota! Wind generation in the Dakotas continues to expand as the efficiency of wind turbines and the call for renewable energy increases. North Dakota is ranked sixth in the nation for wind energy potential according to the American Wind Energy Association, and more than 1,000 manufacturing jobs have been created in the state. Discover more about the "wind belt" of the nation at this presentation highlighting innovations in the development of a renewable energy source.

Amanda Wangler, project manager II at Basin Electric Power Cooperative, has extensive experience in planning and constructing large wind projects. She served as project manager during the development of Basin Electric's Prairie Winds projects: 80 turbines near Minto in North Dakota in 2009 and 108 turbines near White Lake in South Dakota in 2011. She holds an MBA from the University of Mary and a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from North Dakota State University. She has worked for Basic Electric since 2005 and is a Registered Professional Engineer and Project Management Professional.

The Visiting Scientists Series was established to inspire and educate young people and the public about Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). The Visiting Scientists Series showcases scientists working in a variety of fields with the intent to reach a diverse audience and to inspire local students to consider careers in science. The Visiting Scientists Series also provides resources for educators, educates members of technical organizations and informs the community on science and technical issues.

Visiting Scientists Series partners include Bismarck State College, Bismarck Public Schools, Gateway to Science, North Dakota Society of Professional Engineers, the Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers and University of Mary.