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BSC Music department kicks off November with three concerts | Bismarck State College

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BSC Music department kicks off November with three concerts

Published: Oct 31 2016
BSC Music department kicks off November with three concerts - Photo
The Bismarck State College Music department kicks off the fall concert season with three concerts in seven days.
On Tuesday, Nov. 1, BSC presents “Warmth before Winter” an all-choral concert at 7:30 p.m. in the Sidney J. Lee Auditorium in Schafer Hall.
Four of BSC’s choirs and ensembles come together for the first concert of the season. The Concert Choir, Chamber Singers, and the Men’s and Women’s Ensembles treat the audience to a dozen selections including original compositions, student solos and bass guitar and drum accompaniment. Groups are directed by Andrew Miller, Dawn Hagerott and Clyde Bauman and are accompanied by Theresa Bickler and Matthew Langer.
BSC presents its annual Baroque Festival concert at noon Thursday, Nov. 3, in the Leach Music Center within Schafer Hall.
Faculty and students perform solo and ensemble works by J.S. Bach, Handel, Purcell, and others during the concert that is open to the public. Several vocal and instrumental chamber groups perform including the Chamber Singers, Women’s Ensemble, Brass Ensemble, Percussion Ensemble and Guitar Ensemble. Featured soloists are student vocalists Margaret Brink, Andrew Wickenheiser, Kayla Sailer and Jonathan Larson, and adjunct faculty Langer and Jordan Boehm. Faculty directors are John Darling, Rob Peske, Doug Klein, Miller, Bauman, Langer and Boehm.
On Monday, Nov. 7, the BSC Wind Ensemble concludes the series with a concert set for 7:30 p.m. in Sidney J. Lee Auditorium.
Conducted by Darling, this concert features seven selections and a featured guest Michael McCormack, retired BSC history professor. It closes with “Star Trek into Darkness” written by Michael Giacchino, an American composer whose most notable works includes scores to television series such as Lost and Alias, games such as Call of Duty and films such as Mission Impossible III, The Incredibles, Star Trek, Star Trek into Darkness, Star Trek Beyond, Ratatouille, Up, Super 8, Cars 2, Jurassic World, Inside Out, Zootopia and The Muppets' Wizard of Oz.
The concerts are all offered at no charge.