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Blackboard | Bismarck State College

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Blackboard (Bb) Learning Management System

Bismarck State College uses the Blackboard (Bb) Learning Management System for online learning.  Visit our Blackboard & Infobase site for more information.
Please Note:  Chromebooks do not work with Blackboard, as many features and interactions are not compatible.  Windows or Mac based computers should be used instead.
Blackboard FAQ:
  • You WILL NOT see the courses in which you are registered in Blackboard until the first day of class. Your instructor will make the course available when ready and the Help Desk cannot provide early access.
    ***It can take 24-48 hours from Campus Connection completion for a BSC Blackboard account to be created.
  • Use your NDUS account credentials to log into Blackboard (same login/password you use for Campus Connection). 
  • Try the Blackboard Browser Checker to see if your computer and browser are supported. Complete browser and plug-in information may be checked from your My BSC landing page after logging into Blackboard.
  • Chrome is the preferred browser. Make sure your browser is up-to-date, usually found in the settings.
    ***Microsoft Internet Explorer is NO Longer supported for use with Blackboard.
  • Additionally, Microsoft Office applications and/or fully compatible file types are required. Students have access to these applications for free while a student. See Microsoft Office For Students for more information.
  • Yuja and the Respondus LockDown Browser can be downloaded from within Blackboard by clicking the "Institution Page" in the left menu, then scroll down to "MyBSC Student Resources".  Under "Access Your Student Resources" are links for both Yuja and Respondus LockDown Browser.